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Aoife Hanley

It's Time to Take Back MY Fitness

There was a time in my life when I would wake up every morning and head to the gym. I would work out for an hour or 2 and head to work. After work I would go home, change, and go for a run. I was in great shape. I ate healthy, I got enough sleep, and I still had time to relax and watch a little television if I felt like it.

So what happened?

Kids! Those tiny humans are major time gobblers! I knew I wouldn’t have a whole lot of workout time once they came along, but with the addition of the third I literally have none!

Adorable little time gobblers

It’s time for that to change. It’s time to take some of MY time back.

I have managed to lose all the weight after each child and return back to my pre-baby weight pretty quickly. But I definitely have not maintained the level of fitness I had before tiny people entered my life. So I have set a start date. I have created a plan. And I am going to follow through because you are all going to keep me accountable.

You won't let me quit!

The only catch is…I still have don’t have a lot of time. I need to find something that I can do in about 20 minutes a day, but still see progress. So to jump start my fitness again I’m going to do a 30 day challenge. You can join me (make sure you’ve cleared any fitness routine with your health care provider first) or you can just enjoy following along with what I expect will be a humorous struggle to get my fitness back. Remember it’s been 7 years since I have had any kind of proper fitness routine. It’s sure to be entertaining!

Stay tuned to find out what my challenge will be!

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