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Challenge Update (it's late, I know)

I meant to write a post last week, but I got so busy with being off for March Break and then catching up on everything back at work,...

The Challenge Starts Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow I kick off my fitness journey with a 30 day challenge and you need to follow along! I need you guys to...

It's Time to Take Back MY Fitness

There was a time in my life when I would wake up every morning and head to the gym. I would work out for an hour or 2 and head to work....

Valentine’s Day for the Kids

I have never been a huge fan of Valentine’s Day.  I’m not a bitter single lady.  I have a husband who is the love of my life, along with...

Walking the dog (how hard can it be?)

Have you ever had to herd cats while pushing a lawnmower and restraining a Tasmanian devil? I have! Okay, well I was herding two children...

My Combat Boots aren't shiny...but I'm ok with that.

When I joined the military 14 years ago I was an extremely well put together soldier. Hair pulled tight, uniform in top shape, and shiny...

Snow Day!

If you live in Canada you know what a snow day is. If you live in Ontario you experienced a few in the past week. This past Sunday we got...

This is My Circus and these are MY Monkeys

Do you ever wake up one morning and think you’re Super Mom? I did…once. In my infinite wisdom I decided that I would pack up all three...

I am a Sleep Expert

You read that right, I am a (self-proclaimed) sleep expert. I have three children who were all crappy sleepers (one who still is) and I...

What Were We Thinking?!

Once upon a time in 2017 we had a perfect little family. A five year old smart, beautiful, caring little girl and an adorable, energetic,...

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