If you live in Canada you know what a snow day is. If you live in Ontario you experienced a few in the past week.
This past Sunday we got a pretty good dumping. I decided that it was time for the tiniest of our crew to enjoy a little Canadian winter. It was about 8am, breakfast was done and we were about to decide what to do with our day…
(Side note: The older 2 are usually in swimming lessons on Sunday mornings, but a car drove into the rec centre and landed in the baby pool. Crazy right?!)
I looked out back, I looked at the dog, and I looked at the baby. I weighed the pros and cons and debated whether I wanted the hassle of putting 17 layers on each kid just to go outside. In the end my insane sleep deprived side won and I told the kids to grab their stuff.
30 minutes later we were headed out back.
The dog bounced around happy to have her babies outside with her. Big A and Middle A dove right in. Tiny A was a little unsure (and unable to bend), but she let me put her down. Then it suddenly hit me…daddy’s not home and it snowed, the driveway! It needs to be shoveled. OK, let’s figure this one out. I could lay her in a snow bank…not sure that’s going to go over too well. Sit her in the wagon? She won’t stay long. Wait until nap time? HAHAHAHA! What nap time?!
The solution…
Yep, I put her on my back (photo courtesy of my 6 year old), and tossed shovels to the other two. It was a slower process with the extra weight, but you gotta do what you gotta do right?
About an hour later we all trudged inside to warm up. I looked at my phone and see a text from my mom, “do you want to bring the kids over and we’ll all go tobogganing?” Heck yes we do!
Who doesn’t love a Canadian snow day!